Lucy’s Grandmother’s Cheesecake

In my family we grew up eating Lucy’s Grandmother’s Cheesecake.  I do, vaguely, know Lucy, but definitely not her grandmother – it was just that this recipe was so good that it got passed from her grandmother to her to my parents and now to you...

Red Velvet Cookies (Or: Hail To The Redskins :) )

OR: The Easiest Cookies in the World I happened to have red velvet cake mix.  I was going to a Redskins-Cowboys game watching party.  I realized red velvet was SO the right color for a Redskins game.  But I wanted to make red velvet cookies out of the cake mix because...

Cranberry Orange Bread

Remember how I named my kale salad “Cranberry Bread Kale Salad” because in the midst of eating it non-stop for 2 weeks (it was that good) somewhere along the way I realized it tasted like cranberry bread in a bowl?  Well here’s the recipe for that...

Thankful for… pumpkin ice cream pie

As promised, pumpkin ice cream pie is on today’s menu!  We never had pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving growing up, because we always had this instead (or my grandmother’s pecan pie… YUM).  Not much to introduce this one… I promise it speaks for...

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