L is for lucuma

So I kept stumbling upon recipes that called for this mysterious lucuma powder.  I had no idea what it was, or how to find some, so I was left wondering, “Can I substitute for it?  Can I just leave it out? I don’t know what to do!”  I put it on my...

K is for KALE!!

I woke up so excited to write this morning’s post, because I get to write about KALE! My favoritest.  :)  Ok, it may not actually be my favorite food, but as anyone who has been reading for a little while knows, I absolutely love it. And for good reason.  Kale...

J is for jackfruit

Alright this one is really obscure, and I have yet to find it myself to cook with, but everyone must know about jackfruit.  This post will be short, but I wanted to make sure I mentioned it, because wow!  A lot of people haven’t heard about jackfruit, and...

H is for Hemp

This one is relatively new for me, but I’m loving it so far, and loving it more the more I learn about it.  Hemp milk still has a bit of that nutty flavor that makes it not quite like dairy milks, but it makes an excellent creamy smoothie base – just...

E is for Ener-G

I think the last thing I gave up as a vegan was eggs – and not uncoincidentally, the hardest frontier for me as a vegan chef was baking.  So many ingredients needed for baking are not vegan, and I just couldn’t wrap my head around baking without them....

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